Guide to Understanding a Geothermal Heat Pump in Mechanicsville, MD

Heating and cooling your home can be one of the largest regular expenses that you face as a homeowner in Mechanicsville, MD. With hot summers and cold winters, it can seem like you need heating or cooling year-round. Here is a look at how a geothermal heat pump may help you keep your home comfortable while keeping monthly costs low.

How it Works

A geothermal heat pump uses water pumped deep underground to either heat or cool your home. While the above-ground air temperature can vary wildly, the temperature underground is always around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Heat always moves from hot to cold. When the weather is hot, a geothermal system uses liquid stored underground to gather your home’s heat and dump it underground. On the other hand, when the weather is cold, it gathers heat stored underground and distributes it throughout your house.

Advantages of a Geothermal Heat Pump

These systems are far more efficient than above-ground, air-source heat pumps. An air-source heat pump has to struggle to find enough heat on a freezing day to heat your house with, and it also must distribute your home’s heat into the already-hot summer air.

A geothermal heat pump has neither of these problems, since it deals with a constant environment. As a result, it’s almost twice as efficient as a top-rated air conditioner and about 50% more efficient than the best gas furnace. No matter the weather, these efficient systems can reduce your energy bills every month.


A geothermal heat pump is a simple system, requiring little maintenance. Geothermal units pump water from underground to your house to heat your home, without the water being exposed to everyday elements, unlike air that is used in a traditional heat pump.

The pumps themselves generally come with a 2-year labor warranty, but they can last must longer. The pipes, made of strong plastic, should last for 55 years or more.

If switching to a geothermal system interests you, call the pros at Hancock Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning. We have the know-how to get you set up with a system that will keep your home comfortable for years to come.

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